





1. Wake Up Early 一日之計在於晨


Successful people wake up early. In fact so early, you’d probably still consider it night time. In a poll of twenty top CEO’s, over 90 percent of them responded that they wake up before 6am.




The reason?

You’re more productive in the morning. There are fewer distractions at that time (nobody is on Facebook or Twitter) and you can get a lot of work done, before the day starts.



Imagine what you could do with an extra two hours a day.




2. Making Time to Read 抽空閱讀

The one unifying thing that ties the entire world’s successful people together? They all read.



Reading is the most important way to help develop yourself, change your habits and improve your knowledge. And, although your twenty minutes before bed might seem like a lot, you’re only scratching the surface of successful people’s reading habits.



Disney CEO Bob Iger gets up at 4:30am to read, whilst great minds like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs both allocated three to four hours to reading per day.

迪士尼首席執行長Bob Iger每日清晨4點半起床閱讀;微軟創辦人Bill Gates和已故蘋果創辦人Steve Jobs每天會分配3~4小時在閱讀上面。


Scratch the surface of 觸及…的表面;對…作膚淺的探討,對…淺嘗即止

  This essay is so short that it can only scratch the surface of the topic.




3. Make Time for Exercise 從事運動


Exercising is of paramount importance to successful people, to help them remain clear headed and focused on their goals.



Although not all successful people ‘intensely’ exercise (there isn’t a huge correlation between being successful and having a 500lb deadlift), they do take the time to invest in their bodies.



It could just be a walk every day, a long jog in the morning, or a mid-afternoon trip to the gym. Whatever it is you choose to do, investing in your body can make all the difference.



Paramount (adj.) 至高無上的,最重要的

  The interests of the consumer should be paramount.




4. Focus on Productivity 專注於生產力


Where do they get the time to do all of this? They maximise their time and effort.




There is a distinct difference between being busy and working. Answering e-mails for five hours a day, unless it’s the sole purpose of your job, isn’t essential.



Successful people are in the habit of focusing their time and effort on what needs to be done for the maximum results.



Be in the habit of 有...習慣

  She is in the habit of studying till late at night.  




5. Push Your Comfort Zone 跳出舒適圈

Baz Luhrmann once said, “Do something every day that scares you”. And the multi-award winning director wasn’t just saying it to sound profound.

著名電影《大亨小傳》導演Baz Luhrmann曾說:「每天都要嘗試做一件你所害怕的事。」而獲獎無數的他,可不是講好聽的。


Successful people are in the habit of pushing their comfort zone, just a tiny bit, each and every day. They put their foot in the realm of somewhere they’ve never been before, despite the fear, and allow themselves to grow.



If you push yourself 1 percent more each and every day, you’ll be 365 percent better off a year from now.



Find the limiting beliefs and fears that hold you back. Then do the smallest thing you can possibly do to improve yourself, each and every day.



Realm (n.)〔知識、興趣、思想的〕領域,範圍



6. Expand Your Network 拓展人脈

Networking is paramount to the success of anybody. Without a solid, engaged network around you – you’re not going to get far. Successful people recognise this, and get into the habit of expanding their network each and every day. They research who they can help, and who they can connect with to help themselves grow.





7. Ask Questions 多多提問


Curiosity is an essential part of the pathway to success. And successful people ask more questions than they answer.



They want to understand each facet of their business as clearly as possible. They want feedback about what’s happening. How to improve. How to change. How to adapt.



And the only way you can fully do this is to ask questions.



Facet (n.) 面,方面

  He has perfected himself in every facet of his job.








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