2014 British wildlife photography awards
年度總冠軍《The Tourist 旅行者》(Greylag Goose 灰雁)
"It was a real privilege to have such a close encounter with a wild bird in the very heart of London. I vividly remember the excitement I felt as she patiently waited for me to get the shot, and I knew immediately this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, I’m just grateful that she didn't lose interest as quickly as my children do when I’m taking photographs of them”. Lee Acaster.
得獎攝影師 Lee Acaster 說道:「在倫敦市中心能跟灰雁如此親近,是相當可貴的經驗,那短暫片刻仍記憶猶新,當時我感覺牠在等我拍照,於是我把握這個千載難逢的機會按下快門,很感謝牠在我拍照時不像我的孩子那樣不耐煩。」
▪ Privilege (n.) 恩典,榮幸
It is a great privilege to know you.
▪ Vividly (adj.) 生動地;逼真地
▪ Once-in-a-lifetime (adj.) 千載難逢的
British Wildlife Photography Awards
Each year the British Wildlife Photography Awards generates an incredible catalogue of splendid, exciting, imaginative and artistic images, proving beyond doubt that we have the richest palette of life to celebrate in our own backyard. Anyone passionate about protecting and preserving wildlife will be inspired by the British Wildlife Photography Awards, which in its fifth year has done more than any other award to raise the profile of British wildlife.
▪ Beyond doubt 無疑地
▪ Palette (n.) 調色板
▪ Raise the profile of 提高聲望、地位、知名度
Animal Portraits 動物肖像組
佳作《A Quick Glance 火狐的一瞥》(Red Fox)
佳作《The King of Rannoch Moor and Glencoe 蘭諾克之王》
Animal Behaviour 動物行為組
優勝《The Otter and the Puffin 水獺與海鸚》
佳作《I Wanna Hold your Hand 椋鳥之握》(Starlings 椋鳥)
British Nature in Black and White 自然黑白組
佳作《Little Wool Robbers 羊毛大盜》(Jackdaws 寒鴉)