


The origin of Chinese New Year. 
The origin of the Lunar New Year Festival
can be
traced back (追朔)thousands of years,
involving(涉及) a series of(一系列) colorful legends and traditions.
One of the most famous legends is Nian (年獸)
an extremely (極度)cruel and ferocious beast 
that the ancients believed would
devour (吞食)people on New Year's Eve. 
To keep Nian away, red-paper couplets(春聯)
are pasted on doors, torches are lit, 
and firecrackers are set off throughout the night, 
because Nian is said to fear the color red, the light of fire,
and loud noises. 
Early the next morning, 
as feelings of triumph(勝利) and renewal fill the air
at successfully keeping Nian away for another year, 
the most popular greeting heard is gong si (恭喜), or "congratulations."




New Year Feast

Spring Festival(春節) is a time for family reunion.

The New Year's Feast is "a must" banquet (宴會)

with all the family members getting together.

The food eaten on the New Year Even

banquet varies according to regions.

 In south China,

 It is customary (習慣)to eat "niangao"

(New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour)

 because as a homophone(同音詞),

niangao means "higher and higher every year".
In the north, a traditional dish for the feast is "Jiaozi"

 or dumplings shaped like a crescent (新月)moon.

  春節也是家庭團聚的重要節日。年夜飯是一個和家庭成員團聚的重要宴會。這些新年的食物也有不同的涵義。在中國南方,人們習慣吃年糕,因為糕是高的同義字,這代表每年都會越來越高() 。在北方的傳統則是形狀如新月的餃子。




Setting Firecrackers

Lighting Firecrackers used to be one of

the most important customs in the Spring Festival celebration.

However, concerning(有關) the danger
and the negative
(負面的) noises

that lighting firecrackers may bring,

the government has banned (禁止)this practice(作法)
in many major cities.

But people in small towns and rural(鄉下) areas

still hold to this traditional celebration.

Right as the clock strike 12 o'clock midnight of New Year's Eve,

cities and towns are lit up(點亮) with the glitter from fireworks,

and the sound can be deafening(震耳欲聾).

Families stay up for this joyful moment and kids

with firecrackers in one hand and a lighter

in another cheerfully light their happiness

in this especial(特殊) occasion(場合),
even though they plug their ears.





New Year Greetings
(Bai Nian)拜年
On the first day of the New Year or shortly thereafter(此後),
everybody wears new clothes and greets relatives(親戚)
and friends with bows(鞠躬)and Gongxi (congratulations)

wishing each other good luck, happiness during the new year.

On the first day of the new year,
it’s customary for the younger generations to visit the elders,
wishing them healthy and longevity.
Because visiting relatives and friends takes a lot of time,
now, some busy people will send New Year cards to
express their good wishes rather than(
) pay a visit personally.






Lucky Money

Lucky money is also known as red envelopes(紅包),
in which the money is contained(包含).
In Mandarin we call it Ya Sui Qian(壓歲錢).
Why Ya Sui Qian?
Well, according to legend, the character Sui means "year",
and has the same pronunciation(發音) as another character
which means "evil spirit."
In ancient times, people believed children were
likely to attract or get hurt by evil spirits.
The term Ya Sui Qian was chosen
to keep these evil spirits away.


        壓歲錢就是我們所說的紅包,英文稱作Lucky Money。為什麼要給小孩壓歲錢呢?根據傳說年的發音和邪惡的靈魂有關,古時候的人相信小孩有可能被邪靈攻擊或傷害,所以給小孩壓歲錢,讓邪靈可以離開。






 Lunar 農曆的

 Lunar January 正月

 Lunar calendar 農歷

 Resume operations 開工日

 Chinese Spring Festival 中國春節

Year Open Party 春酒聚餐

New Year's Eve 除夕夜 

Spring party / Open Party 春酒

 The beginning of New Year 初一

The Lantern Festival 元宵節 



 Spring Festival couplets 春聯

Lunar / Solar calendar 農曆 / 陽曆

 Lantern 燈籠

Ancestor 祖先

 Firecrackers 爆竹

Temple 寺廟

 red packets 紅包

Riddles written on lanterns 燈謎


 Exhibit of lan 燈會


House Cleaning 大掃除

Pay New Year's cal 拜年 

Reunion dinner 圍爐

 Religious festival 拜拜

Do Spring Festival shopping 

Ask the gods for a prophecy 

 Shousui 守歲

 Play mahjong 打麻將

 Return to parents’ home 回娘家

 Dragon and lion dance 舞龍舞獅 








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