那... 男人的主要功能似乎就被取代了。
當一個國家需要靠口號來宣導「生男生女一樣好」的觀念,也太可悲了 !!
今天就來聽聽看為何男性有可能會滅亡 及 當中的轉機。
Click here for the news. / 點這聽新聞。
(一) 重點單字
1. Chromosome [n.] = 染色體
2. Hormone [n.] = 荷爾蒙
3. Pessimistic [adj.] = 悲觀的
4. Ratio [n.] = 比率、比例
5. Extinction [n.] = 滅絕、消滅
6. Breathe a sigh of relief = 如釋重負地鬆了口氣
7. Deplete [v.] = 用盡、使減少
8. Gene [n.] = 基因、遺傳因子
9. Natural selection = 物競天擇
10. Stereotype [n.] = 刻板印象、成見
(二) 聽力填空題
1. It is very interesting especially if you're a man because it seems we've had our __________ __________.
2. Ah yes – even the most __________ __________ suggested that men had 100 thousand years left, so I think 6 minutes is ok!.
3. And their conclusion was that the Y __________ is depleted but it's still got all of the __________ bits.
4. Genes are the parts of __________ which have the information which passes __________ from a parent to a child.
5. And also for opening __________ with the lids too tightly __________ on.
(三) 聽力問答題
1. What chromosome is responsible for producing a male ?
2. How old was Rosie's boyfriend when he used a washing machine for the first time ?
3. Why would there be fewer wars in the world if there were no men ?
(四) 討論題
What sex are you now ?
Have you ever wanted to be the opposite sex ?
I'm female.
And, I wouldn't have it any other way.
I enjoy dressing up and wearing pretty clothes.
What about you ?