今天小編來帶大家認識動物攝影師Sharon Montrose以及在她鏡頭下的各種動物們!




















Sharon Montrose擁有人人羨慕的夢想工作-拍攝各種動物最友善及滑稽可愛的一面!有別於一般寫實的野外生存紀錄,Sharon Montrose將各種動物帶進攝影棚,從調皮的猴子、長頸鹿甚至是兇猛的老虎,她的作品不止捕捉到各種動物的外在特色與內在神情,也讓人感受到動物最討喜惹人憐愛的一面,使人會心一笑!

至於Sharon Montrose是如何與動物在鏡頭下達成共識?讓我們來一起看看吧!



What's your goal during each shoot?
Capturing the animal’s charms—it can be something in their eyes, their smirk, or the way they move. The animals generally fall into two categories: Some are cute, and some are striking, like the American buffalo. I would never cute him up. I wanted to capture how majestic he was, so that when people looked at the image, they’d say, what an amazing creature! With the grown-up animals, it’s less of I-want-to-bury-my-head-in-their-belly and more what-a-fascinating-creature.

*buffalo  n.水牛   majestic  a. 雄偉的 威嚴的




Do you get scared when you photograph animals like lions and bears?
No, it doesn’t even occur to me to be scared—which is funny because I’d never consider myself a fearless person.


Why don’t you get scared?
I have confidence in the handlers I work with, and it’s very rare that I work with a dangerous animal. I guess something could happen to me, but I could also get hit by a bus crossing the street. And when I'm shooting, it's like an alternate reality. My only focus is getting my shot, which totally distracts me from anything around me. If the studio were on fire, people would be trying to escape, and I'd still be standing there trying to get my shot!


*distract from  使分心 使轉移注意力


Any sweet moments you’ll always remember?
I bottle fed a baby tiger in my arms. A bear cub sucked on my ear. It was awesome. When you do something so much, you can become desensitized, but holding the animals reminds me to be present. Instead of fodcusing on the hard work, when I hold an animal, I remember how lucky I am that I get to earn a living doing what I love.


*desensitize  v.使麻木不仁  使無情



What are a few things people don’t know about you?
* People assume I must be really sweet and saccharine, but I’m an honest person with a lot of edge. I swear a lot. I’ve tried to rein it in but I can’t.
* I’m always freezing. I move around the house with a space heater next to me because my husband won’t let me crank the heat to 80 and I guess I don’t blame him!
* I secretly feel like I’m 16. Sometimes I look at my career and responsibilities, and I’m like, what am I doing, I’m 16 years old!
* On the Internet, there can be a perception that we’re all perfectly happy and never suffer, but that’s not me. I’ve got my issues. Sometimes I feel totally secure, but other times I’m totally insecure; sometimes I feel great, and sometimes frankly, I’m a total mess. I just try to take things easy–live in the moment, breathe and stay rational. I don’t ever want to take myself too seriously.


*saccharine adj.和顏悅色的






Baby Raccoon No. 1

raccon   n.[C]

 KK [ræˋkun] DJ [ræˋku:n]     浣熊 


sheep    n.[C]

KK [ʃip] DJ [ʃi:p]     綿羊



*follow like sheep     盲目跟從

Most of the people follow the media like sheep and never question their truthfulness.  



 White Goose No. 1

goose  n.[C]

KK [gus] DJ [gu:s]    鵝


 * goose bumps  雞皮疙瘩

I had goose bumps when we watched the fireworks. 

我們看煙火的時候, 我起雞皮疙瘩。



 Baby Monkey No. 2


* monkey business  惡作劇  不正當的行為

There is too much monkey business going on in the governor's office.





reindeer    n.[C]

KK [ˋren͵dir] DJ [ˋreindiə]     馴鹿



Baby Chick : horizontal 

* chinken out   臨陣脫逃

Jim was goint to skydive, but chickened out when he got on the plane.





otter   n.[C] 

KK [ˋɑtɚ] DJ [ˋɔtə]    水瀨


Baby Porcupine

porcupine   n.[C]

KK [ˋpɔrkjəpaɪn] DJ [ˋpɔ:kjupain]    豪豬





Donkey Ears Cow No. 2 Giraffe Detail









donkey ears/cow face/giraffe neck













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