在人們真情流露的當下最能打動人心,你曾經在眾人面前展現最脆弱的一面嗎?行為藝術家Marina Abramović 做了一項藝術界的創舉,她靜坐於紐約現代藝術博物館長達兩個半月的時間,像雕像般的與將近1500人對視,利用眼神交流刺探並捕捉出人性最錯弱的一面,讓我們一起來認識Marina Abramović與她的藝術創舉吧!



2 min.  Damiani  11 min.  



    The centerpiece of “Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present”, the landmark retrospective of this pioneer of performance art’s oeuvre, was Abramovic herself, who sat silently in the museum’s atrium inviting visitors to take a seat across from her for as long as they chose. She sat every day for the run of the show—716 hours and 30 minutes— and faced over 1500 people, whose involvement completed the work. Photographer and collaborator Anelli documented every interaction, taking a portrait of each participant and noting the time they spent in the chair.


centerpice n. 中心裝飾品;核心部分    retrospective adj.回顧的; 懷舊的; 追溯的    oeuvre n.作品     atrium  n.中庭   collaborator  n.合作者; 共同研究者   documented  v.記錄 




5 min.

5 minutes.







4 min.

4 mintues.







9 min.

9 mintues






Just as Abramovic’s piece concerned duration, the photographs give the viewer a chance to experience the performance from Abramovic’s perspective. They reveal both dramatic and mundane moments, and speak to the humanity of such interactions, just as the performance itself did. The resultant photographs are mesmerizing and intense, putting a face to the world of art lovers while capturing what they shared during their contact with the artist.

duration  n.(時間的)持續, 持久; 持續期間       perspective  n.洞察力      mundane  adj.世俗的; 世界的






5 min.

5 mintues.





11 min.

11 mintues.





9 min.

9 mintues.





26 min.

13 mintues.





11 min.

11 mintues.




Reminiscent of Walker Evans’s subway photographs and Harry Callahan’s Women Lost in Thought, this powerful series speaks to photography’s capacity to explore the human experience from an unobserved view-point. While Anelli is not engaging the sitters or Abramovic directly, his meta-performance as gathered in Portraits in the Presence of Marina Abramovic is a compelling testament to the cathartic power of the gaze and our connection to one another.


reminiscent  adj.發人聯想的     compelling  adj.令人注目的      cathartic  adj.倒瀉的 淨化的





 12 min.

12 mintues





28 min.

28 mintues.





10 min.

10 mintues.





8 min.

8 mintues.



看完這些照片是否深深感受到情緒的張力,你有勇氣走向前凝視Marina Abramović並面對真正的自己嗎?



burst into tears     突然大哭 流淚 奪眶而出

She burst into tears the moment she got the sad news.          一聽到這傷心的消息, 她就哭了起來。



misty-eyed      含淚的  感傷的  眼睛矇矓的

Whenever I see this picture I get all misty-eyed, I can hardly speak!       每當看到幅照片時, 眼眶就會含淚都說不出話來.



weepy       想哭的 淚汪汪的 催人淚下的

She is still feeling weepy.  她仍覺得想哭。

In fact, Jennifer was afraid her mother might even get weepy at the station.  事實上, 珍妮佛很怕她媽媽甚至會在車站流淚.



crying one's hearts out     痛哭欲絕



it's a crying shame    奇恥大辱

It's a crying shame to waste all that food.      浪費那麼多食物,真是太不像話了。



cry over split milk     做無意義的後悔

It's no use crying over split milk.    做無意義的後悔是沒有用的.

When her money was stolen, she quickly realized there was no point in crying over spilt milk.    錢被偷後, 她很快明白對無法挽回的事感到後悔是沒有用的。

















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